What's new (Feb 01 2018)
What's new (Aug 06 2017)
What's Modified (Aug 25, 2015)
This is a version of
McGee's Y-Utility
modified by Colin Ferguson to
incorporate some new features:
What's New (May 1, 2011):
This version of the Y-DNA
Comparison Utility has several new features:
This utility is free for your use. You are welcome to use this utility and it's output as you see fit.
A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?If you frequently process large datasets, you may want to edit the Windows registry to increase the processing time allowed for scripts. By default Windows supports 5,000,000 script instruction executions before posting the warning. If you are experienced in performing registry edits, you may be interested in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article How To Set Timeout Period for Script. This procedure is not for novices. A mistake in performing registry edits can make your computer unusable. Should you decide to perform the edit, a value of 100,000,000 would give twenty times more script execution time than the default. There may be similar procedures for other browsers.
No non-numeric characters other than whitespace and hyphens ("-", for multi-copy markers) are allowed after the first column of allele data.
Normally generated tables of data will copy correctly, but if you are copying from a manually created table where there may be extra whitespace between allele values this utility may not parse the data correctly. You can either edit the data so that no more than one blank space exists between allele values (or three blank spaces for a missing value), or you can copy the data first to an Excel spreadsheet then copy from Excel and paste into this utility. Data copied from an Excel spreadsheet is tab-delimited, and this utility should be able to parse it without problem.
Please notify me if you find any inconsistencies between the genetic distances calculated here and those provided by FTDNA.
The close distances are highlighted for easier visualization of possible family relationships by the following:
The TMRCA calculations use the average mutation rate for all the markers in common between the pair of haplotypes being compared. There are three selections for how the mutation rate is determined.
Years Per Generation - the table below was once published on the SMGF site prior to its shutdown:
Mean generation interval: 32.6 Median generation interval: 31 Modal generation interval: 26 Number of father/son pairs: 92,309
The close distances are highlighted for easier visualization of possible family relationships by the following:
Many thanks to Dean McGee for developing his Y-Utility and putting it
the public domain.
As this is a modified version please do not bother him
if something is not working correctly
instead contact
Colin Ferguson.